
This chapter will teach you how you can roll your pasta dough by using a rolling pin just like a proper Sfoglina/o (a woman or a man who makes the pasta sheet as they do in Bologna), and it will include: 

  • The 3 techniques you need to know to use your rolling pin
  • The perfect thickness
  • Drying/cutting & storing processes 
  • RECIPE: Tagliolini with swordfish ragu’ and aubergines

Learning how to make a sfoglia (pasta sheet) is a must if you love pasta-making and that’s why I decided to include it in the SEMOLA pasta course. However, this time we will not use ‘00’ flour as it is traditionally made in the Emilia-Romagna region, but SEMOLA flour. If you don’t have that flour, don’t worry! You have 3 various pasta dough recipes in the MODULE 3 and options using soft flour are also applicable too. 

The reason why I decided to use semola flour is because:

  • The course is all about the hard wheat flour rather than soft flour
  • The course is inspired to Southern Italian flavours and durum wheat grows in the south
  • It contains less gluten than other flours and it’s much better for your gut (always know where your flour is coming from!)

Rolling a pasta dough is not an easy task and that’s why understanding the techniques on how to roll it will make it easier for you to become familiar with the process. However, one of the things that will help you to learn faster will be the fear you have at making it not right. Don’t be scared of your dough! If you are, your dough will feel it. Trust me because it has happened to me thousands of times. Just trust the process and practice because, as anything, practice will make it perfect. 

Let’s now dig into it and have fun!

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